
I5 7600k Vs I7 7700k Gaming

  • #one
Howdy guys!
I want to build a Pc by and large for gaming/Video edditing!
I accept a basic question should i choose the i5-7600k and save my money or the i7-7700k? the basic build was with the i7 an asus prime z270 and rx480 8Gb strix OC with 16Gb of ram!
I simply belive that the i7 wont assist me at all at gaming vs the i5 and its 100$ cheaper...

*Pitiful for Bad english language! I am from Hellenic republic! :D

Oct 31, 2015
  • #2
The i7 will assistance for video editing and in a couple of games, merely if the money saved by using the i5 is put towards a better graphics card, I would probably go that route. It all depends on where you will spend most of your fourth dimension. Gaming mostly, I would stick with the i5 and better graphics card. Editing more often than not, then the i7.
Oct 31, 2015
  • #ii
The i7 volition aid for video editing and in a couple of games, but if the coin saved past using the i5 is put towards a ameliorate graphics card, I would probably go that route. It all depends on where yous will spend most of your time. Gaming generally, I would stick with the i5 and better graphics card. Editing more often than not, so the i7.
Aug 20, 2016
  • #3
i7 is doing better in certain newer games right now and I'd imagine going forwards into the future that is going to become the norm, could be incorrect only I upgraded my i5 for this reason and I'm glad I did. If I were building a whole new system to be future proof I'd definitely get the i7, I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion.
April 10, 2012
  • #4
7th Intel i5 7500 to 7600 is already good enough for gaming. The leftover moeny can be used to spend on other Components.
Captain Discombobulate
April x, 2010
  • #v
I actually don't care what anyone else is going to say about what I am about to post considering they will only argue.

I have built a new organization every generation since the 2500k/2600k.

I still play most of the aforementioned games BF3, BF4 CS:GO etc.

I notice very very little performance gain going from my 2600k to a 6800k cpu. Intel has dominated the market for many years and the only thing they seem to have accomplished is ameliorate thermals.

Gaming on a i5 is fine.

I think its just comes down to what can y'all afford considering 5-ten fps in almost games when yous are hitting over 100+ in 4k like I am matter very very petty.

It's telephone call diminishing return.

Information technology's like "gamers" running 32gb+ of ram.. its pointless and does aught.

Captain Discombobulate
April x, 2010
  • #vi
i7 is doing better in sure newer games correct now and I'd imagine going forward into the hereafter that is going to become the norm, could be wrong but I upgraded my i5 for this reason and I'thou glad I did. If I were building a whole new system to be future proof I'd definitely get the i7, I'chiliad certain this will exist an unpopular opinion.

Like 1-5% better purely bragging rights/ pointless.

I used a 2600k concluding calendar week that was overclocked frames were simply as good as my 6600k/6800k systems.

It'due south like a Iphone we must upgrade for that 200mhz spring!!!! Oh my its 14nm now holy crap 100000fps.

Apr ten, 2012
  • #7
No Pointless if you upgrade from a CPU that many years ago.
Dec viii, 2013
  • #8
i7 is doing better in certain newer games right now and I'd imagine going forrard into the futurity that is going to become the norm, could be wrong only I upgraded my i5 for this reason and I'yard glad I did. If I were building a whole new arrangement to be future proof I'd definitely become the i7, I'thousand sure this will be an unpopular opinion.

Like 1-5% ameliorate purely bragging rights/ pointless.

I used a 2600k last week that was overclocked frames were just every bit good as my 6600k/6800k systems.

Information technology'southward similar a Iphone nosotros must upgrade for that 200mhz jump!!!! Oh my its 14nm at present holy crap 100000fps.

Lol, and then you lot've used an i7 before and you're using an i7 at present. Notwithstanding you're trying to argue how the deviation between an i5 and i7 is merely as minimal. Nice topping it off with ''I don't care what anyone says''.

i7 causes a lot less stuttering in recent CPU demanding games and is more than consistent with framerates because It's not capping at 100% usage virtually of the time, although the i5-7600k with high clock speeds is ordinarily simply fine in most games except for a few games where 100% usage will be apparent. Battlefield 1 for example.

Intel'south IPC hasn't improved much over the years, i7-2600k shows similar performance compared to much newer i7'south. It'due south known. Non the same story when comparing Intel i5 to i7.

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