How To Remove Trees In Minecraft
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How to get rid of trees fast?
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#1 December 7, 2011
Ok and so I was clearing a spot in a wood to make a city and I started shooting around with fire arrows from Risugami'south Elemetal Arrows modernistic merely called-for them takes a while. Whatsoever other way to get rid of trees with out messing the ground up? Thanks.
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#2 Dec 7, 2011
Maybe with an axe, or tree-capitator modern.
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#3 Dec 7, 2011
MC Edit or WorldEdit, select your area and replace the choice of wood (and leaves, just you tin can permit them disuse if you're patient) with air.
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#4 December 7, 2011
I was gonna say fire, just if mod-assisted fire notwithstanding isn't fast enough, use a world editor.
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#5 December 8, 2011
I prefer using flint and steel to articulate up copse for building because it doesn't have that long if you lot gear up burn on a tree in multiple places, works well if you lot're patient. While information technology's burning, burn other trees and so you won't have to wait on only one tree.
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#half dozen Dec viii, 2011
I concur, tree-capitator like the lumberjack mod or something. At least you lot pull in more wood resource.
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#7 Dec 8, 2011
Use MCEdit, its takes near 1 minute and you're done :smile.gif::):grinning.gif:
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#8 Dec 8, 2011
MCEdit or LumberJack mod!
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#9 Dec 8, 2011
creative fashion so just punch and motion frontward. u just need to cut through wood
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#xi Dec eight, 2011
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#12 Dec 8, 2011
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#13 December 8, 2011
Burn it. Burn information technology with burn down.
Set each lesser log on fire, or, if they are all touching, set a few leaves on fire.
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#14 December 8, 2011
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#15 Dec 8, 2011
Put your Flint and Steel to some use, boy!
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Signatures are for losers. Oh, wait.
#thirty Jul 16, 2012
WorldEdit, use this command: //removenear (data value of whatever wood is in the wood)
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#31 Jul 17, 2012
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#32 Jul 17, 2012
Well, if you have Single Player Commands, you can say "/flammable 17 100000 one thousand thousand" and then "/flammable xviii 1000000 1000000" to brand them burn down extremely fast. And, a fleck off topic here, but, you tin can also alter other blocks' flammability levels. Similar, for example, irresolute stone to loftier flammability is great for mining cuz information technology gets rid of it but leaves the ores. Concluding, to extinguish the flames, simply say "extinguish all"
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#33 Jun 7, 2013
don't use lava as it can be SUCH a pain to get rid of, equally multiple flowing blocks function equally source blocks. Don't apply blazes (unless other builds aren't close past), but the best way is probably using world-edit, MCEdit, tree-capacitor mods, etc. is probably the all-time ways.
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#34 Jun 7, 2013
make a TNT army , you tin can articulate up the hole neighborhood :))
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#35 Jun 7, 2013
XCommands, which includes WorldEdit can help y'all a lot.
Also, the Timber modern works on creative too, and then y'all can apply information technology to chop down trees and they will dissappear after a short while.
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